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Find out about LinkPeople’s services through selecting your region on the map
At LinkPeople we believe that people are the most important thing in the world. This guides us in our work as a community housing provider supporting people into healthy homes with individualised supports, so they are best positioned to navigate mental health and addiction challenges. Deeply committed to equity, at LinkPeople we understand that connected communities are healthier and stronger and that a home is a foundation for people to thrive. Find out more about our services.
E whakapono ana mātou ko ngā tāngata te mea nui o te ao
Find out about LinkPeople’s services through selecting your region on the map
At LinkPeople we believe that people are the most important thing in the world. This guides us in our work as a community housing provider supporting people into healthy homes with individualised supports, so they are best positioned to navigate mental health and addiction challenges. Deeply committed to equity, at LinkPeople we understand that connected communities are healthier and stronger and that a home is a foundation for people to thrive. Find out more about our services.
“You stuck by my side and helped me keep going even when I wanted to give up. My life is different now and I am happy.” – Manu
Getting help
IMPORTANT: If you have nowhere to stay tonight or in the next seven days, please contact Work and Income to access emergency housing.
We’re currently in the Auckland, Waikato, Lakes, Taranaki, Whanganui, Wellington and Canterbury regions.

Ending homelessness
Homelessness is a complex issue, but it can be solved when people and organisations come together.
We work really closely with organisations, community groups, landlords and investors to support the people in our communities to find a home. Using the Housing First model, we move the person into a home first, and then link them to the wrap-around support they need to sustain their tenancy.
We couldn’t do this without the support of socially-minded landlords and investors who want to help end homelessness in New Zealand.
We are always on the lookout for more properties to rent to the people we support, and encourage landlords and investors to get in touch.