Lakes Region - LinkPeople


Services in the Rotorua Lakes region

In the Lakes region, we deliver a range of services. These include:

  • Rapid permanent housing: Support for people and whānau to access and retain permanent accommodation.
  • Working with people to sustain their tenancies and prevent homelessness.
  • Supporting people with a mental illness or addiction to transition from inpatient, residential, or community housing settings into greater independence.
  • Service navigation – connecting people to the services they require in the community and staff who can approve funding for full time carers of someone with mental illness to access respite.
  • Needs Assessment Service Coordination (NASC) – assessing the needs of mental health clients and linking them with appropriate services in the community that meet their needs.
  • Consumer and Family/Whānau Advisors – strategic roles designed to influence change at a systems level under the framework of  Te Ara Tauwhirotanga – The Lakes DHB Mental Health and Addictions Model of Care, by connecting service users and whānau with decision makers.
  • Sustaining Tenancies – a homelessness prevention programme funded by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development. We work with individuals and families at risk of losing their tenancies to keep them housed, addressing any underlying issues that impact on their tenancy and wellbeing. More information can be found on our Sustaining Tenancies webpage.

To find out which of our services may apply to you, please email us at or phone 0800 932 432.

If you have nowhere to stay tonight or in the next seven days, please contact Work and Income to access emergency housing.

We are also seeking partnerships with landlords and developers in the region, click here to find out more.

Meet our Lakes leadership team

Meet Michelle Tiriana-Bishop - Regional manager - Lakes/Bay of Plenty
Michelle Tiriana-Bishop
Meet Chris  D'Aprile  - Team leader - Tenancy
Chris D'Aprile
Meet Shelley Martin - Team leader - Housing
Shelley Martin