Working together to end homelessness
LinkPeople and Wise Property Solutions, partners in housing
LinkPeople works closely with our sister organisation Wise Property Solutions, which is tasked with finding the right properties in the right locations to best suit the people we support.
Wise Property Solutions works with property owners and developers, undertaking the background work that needs to happen before a person moves into a property. This includes property procurement, the contract process, and any other steps required to get a property ready for a new tenant.
At the point a property is ready for a tenant to move in, Wise Property Solutions will hand the property over to LinkPeople. We will lease the property from you – either by a deed of lease or tenancy agreement – working in partnership with you to help to end homelessness in New Zealand, one property at a time.
Why work with LinkPeople?
There are plenty of good reasons to work with LinkPeople, here are just a few:
Free property management. When you lease your property to LinkPeople we take on the responsibility for managing that property. There is no property management fee or commission charged, and we perform all necessary duties as per the Residential Tenancies Act 1986 and the Residential Tenancies Amendment Act 2020.
We are a Community Housing Provider: As a registered Community Housing Provider, LinkPeople’s tenants can access the Income Related Rent Scheme, meaning they pay no more than 25% of their income in rent, with the Government paying the remainder to top it up to market rent. This makes housing affordable for people for whom it would otherwise be out of reach. LinkPeople is also a social landlord, which means that we perform the same basic activities as a private landlord but with an additional focus on achieving the best outcomes for our tenants.
Guaranteed rent. Our contracts with you can range from short to long term. In either case you’ll receive timely guaranteed rent at fair market rates – whether the property is tenanted or not.
We know our tenants well. We meet regularly with the people who use our services to support them to be good tenants and good neighbours. All tenants are assessed and housed according to their needs and what they can afford. We want people to stay housed – we are committed to achieving the best possible outcomes for the people we support.
Peace of mind. Your property is in safe hands. Our tenancy managers have close relationships with our tenants and are at your property regularly, which enables them to keep a close eye on maintenance needs. If a tenant causes damage, we’ll recover the costs from the tenant ourselves.
Regular communication. We keep in touch so you are well informed about your property and its tenants. Our tenancy managers are responsive and available to answer any questions or concerns you have.
You’re part of social change. Linking people with healthy homes and support systems makes a big difference and changes lives. When you make your property available as public housing you are directly contributing to better health, education and employment outcomes for people, positive whānau relationships and connected communities.

Do you have a property to rent?
Wise Property Solutions is always looking for more properties for LinkPeople to lease, so we can house the people we support. The demand for public housing is huge and every day we see individuals and families in real and immediate need of a safe, secure and healthy home.
Wise Property Solutions works closely with landlords and property developers to source and build properties that meet the specific needs of the people LinkPeople supports.
Whether you have one property, a portfolio of properties, or a property development proposal, Wise Property Solutions would love to hear from you.
“For us it’s much easier. I know there is a very good backup service with them. The housing coordinator is 100 per cent professional.” – Private landlord
Become a leader for social change
New Zealand’s housing crisis requires a community-wide response where private, public, government and non-government organisations come together and work collaboratively.
Based on the proven Housing First model, we provide access to safe, affordable accommodation options and then link people to the health and social services they need for complete wrap-around support. It’s not a band-aid solution, it’s a long-term approach to providing housing as the platform for people to live well.
We can’t do it without the support of socially minded landlords and investors like you.
If you’re ready to make a difference, please get in touch with Wise Property Solutions for a no obligation conversation.

I have a property available

I'm interested in partnering with LinkPeople