Services in Auckland
In the South Auckland region, LinkPeople offers the following services:
- Supportive landlord service – connecting adults using Counties Manukau Health’s community mental health services to the appropriate housing, from social housing through to private rentals. This is a service for people who are experiencing mental health and/or addiction issues. We also work alongside people to problem-solve tenancies as they arise
- Rapid permanent housing service – working alongside individuals and families who are transitionally (short-term) homeless to find permanent housing
- Sustaining tenancies at risk – a homelessness prevention programme delivered alongside the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development, the Ministry of Social Development, and Kāinga Ora. We work with individuals and families at risk of losing their tenancies to keep them housed, while also addressing any underlying issues that impact on their tenancy and wellbeing.
- Housing First – LinkPeople is also a member of the Auckland Housing First Collective, working to house people sleeping rough in South Auckland.
- Sustaining tenancies – a homelessness prevention programme funded by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development. We work with individuals and families at risk of losing their tenancies to keep them housed, addressing any underlying issues that impact on their tenancy and wellbeing. Find out more on our Sustaining Tenancies webpage.
Contact us at or phone 0800 932432 for more information. If you are interested in partnering with us, we are also seeking relationships with landlords and developers in the region.
If you have nowhere to stay tonight or in the next seven days, please contact Work and Income to access emergency housing.